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Ponte de Lima Tourist Destination of Excellence

Volta ao Mundo | 1 agosto, 2017

The strategic location of Ponte de Lima at the epicenter of the Northern Euroregion of Portugal - Galicia, a gastronomy, wine tourism, historical and scenic heritage, water sports, nature and equestrian sports, sublime accommodation, traditional commerce complement a very Apetecível, with identity and quality, that are the tourists and the operators of the sector are looking for.

Volta ao Mundo | 1 agosto, 2017

The strategic location of Ponte de Lima at the epicenter of the Northern Euroregion of Portugal - Galicia, a gastronomy, wine tourism, historical and scenic heritage, water sports, nature and equestrian sports, sublime accommodation, traditional commerce complement a very Apetecível, with identity and quality, that are the tourists and the operators of the sector are looking for.
Visite Ponte de Lima
Visite Ponte de Lima
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